Home TD Jakes T.D. Jakes – Bread of Heaven | Bishop Sermons

T.D. Jakes – Bread of Heaven | Bishop Sermons

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Messeger: Bread of Heaven
Bishop Sermons – T.D. Jakes

From creation to now, all God wanted was to be with you. It’s not enough for God to dwell if you don’t dwell. Make God your habitation, not your visitation. There are some things that God won’t show you unless you dwell. If you honor God, He’ll whisper in your ear. The closer you get to God, the smaller the crowd becomes. Praise is about doing. Worship is about being. When the priest walked amongst men, they represented God. When they walked amongst God, they represented men. God’s got you covered. Being covered gives you power, protection, and provision. Christ took your execution so you can take His liberation. We’re not here because we’re perfect, but still God has brought us this far.

T.D. Jakes has emerged as one of the most prolific spiritual leaders of our time. He is pastor of one of the largest churches in the country, CEO of a multimillion dollar empire, the host of a television program, author of a dozen bestsellers, and the producer of two Grammy Award-nominated CDs and three critically acclaimed plays. In 2001 Time magazine featured Jakes on the cover and asked: Is Jakes the next Billy Graham



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