Home TD Jakes T.D. Jakes [April 22, 2020] – Conversations in a Cave | Bishop Sermons

T.D. Jakes [April 22, 2020] – Conversations in a Cave | Bishop Sermons

by wbg

Message: Conversations in a Cave
Scripture: 1 Kings 19:9-16 KJV

Speaker: Bishop T.D. Jakes

Like Elijah, the prophet, we have found ourselves in a cave, isolated from society. Although God didn’t design us to be disconnected, being in solitude eliminates intrusions, and allows God to minister to us. In these moments of detachment from our routine behaviors, we must train ourselves to take heed to where the Holy Spirit beckons our attention. When we learn to listen to that still small voice, God will enable us to fulfill our purpose in Him.
Are you listening? The Lord has secrets that will lead you into your destiny!

T.D. Jakes has emerged as one of the most prolific spiritual leaders of our time. He is pastor of one of the largest churches in the country, CEO of a multimillion dollar empire, the host of a television program, author of a dozen bestsellers, and the producer of two Grammy Award-nominated CDs and three critically acclaimed plays. In 2001 Time magazine featured Jakes on the cover and asked: Is Jakes the next Billy Graham



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