Home Jim Schneider (CrossTalk) Jim Schnelder – The Rise of the Tyrant and the Quest for Global Power

Jim Schnelder – The Rise of the Tyrant and the Quest for Global Power

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” The Rise of the Tyrant and the Quest for Global Power” – Jim Schneider

The Greek philosopher Plato predicted democracy would degenerate into anarchy once people lost their virtue. Then a tyrant would arise. How do democracies and republics get taken over? Haven’t systems been put in place to prevent this from happening?

The best way to answer that is to look at history and perhaps no one tells it better than William J. Federer. William is a nationally known speaker, historian, author, and president of Amerisearch, Inc, a publishing company dedicated to researching America’s noble heritage. He’s the speaker on The American Minute daily broadcast. He has authored numerous books including, America’s God and Country Encyclopedia of Quotations, Rise of the Tyrant, Who is the King in America? and Socialism: The Real History From Plato to the Present.

Jim Schneider is the Executive Director of VCY America. Jim grew up in Central Wisconsin and graduated from Bible College with a B.S. degree in Christian Communications/Pastoral Studies. He began his involvement in Christian broadcasting in 1981.
Among his other duties, Jim is the host of Crosstalk America, a nationwide live call-in program discussing issues of concern to the Christian community. Crosstalk is heard on over 100 stations nationwide

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