Home Jim Schneider (CrossTalk) Jim Schnelder sermon – “Why Socialism is Not Biblical?”

Jim Schnelder sermon – “Why Socialism is Not Biblical?”

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“Why Socialism is Not Biblical?” – Jim Schneider

The roars of socialism are growing louder. We hear of equality and even more recently we are hearing of equity, for all to be and have the same. We hear the rich need to pay their fair share. Those who have much are required by government mandate to give to those who don’t have what they have. There’s the growing ‘social justice movement’ and a push toward socialism and even steps toward communism. Month after month this roar grows louder and louder. You see the push ever increasing in a legislative agenda pushing progressivism and shunning conservative values.

Jim Schneider is the Executive Director of VCY America. Jim grew up in Central Wisconsin and graduated from Bible College with a B.S. degree in Christian Communications/Pastoral Studies. He began his involvement in Christian broadcasting in 1981.
Among his other duties, Jim is the host of Crosstalk America, a nationwide live call-in program discussing issues of concern to the Christian community. Crosstalk is heard on over 100 stations nationwide

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