Home Paul Washer The Purpose of Marriage (Paul Washer w/ Dutch)

The Purpose of Marriage (Paul Washer w/ Dutch)

by wbg

What is the purpose of marriage? Paul Washer explains that the purpose of marriage is not to fulfill selfish desires, but to glorify God.

Here’s a short poem by Youtube’s own Abalone Kid Chaim. He sent this to me after seeing this video and was gracious enough to allow me to post it here to share with you.


Through the majesty of the Savior
I glorify my love for you
In the rush of winds
And torrential rains
In oceans pure
The southern sky
I see your face
In little creatures
The lush desert bloom
In the sunlight of my days
I hear your voice next to mine
Through God’s love
I sanctify my love for you
In towering redwoods
The white crescent mountain peaks
In ever-changing sands
And the movement of the sky
I see your touch
And remember

Chaim (The Abalone Kid)

Watch Chaim’s videos here: http://www.youtube.com/abalonekid

Thanks to Matt Haney for posting this on Sermonaudio.com.

You can download the mp3 and video of this sermon here:

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