Home TD Jakes TD JAKES ► LET THEM MISS YOU. Let go, trust and let God act in your relationship!

TD JAKES ► LET THEM MISS YOU. Let go, trust and let God act in your relationship!

by wbg

Thomas Dexter Jakes (TDJakes), (born June 9, 1957) is an African-American pastor, author and filmmaker. He is the bishop of The Potter’s House, a Nondenominational American megachurch. T. D. Jakes’ church services and evangelistic sermons are broadcast on The Potter’s Touch.

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1 comment

Jeannette sledge October 21, 2019 - 11:54 am

Good morning I love watching your sermons Mr. Jakes Bishop jakes TD jakes you’re an awesome force keep doing what you’re doing keep your head up and don’t let anyone to tear you away from God’s purpose for you I love you and I wish that I could personally meet you I am in Minnesota there’s a lot that I would love to share with you and get some of your wisdom on it please if you have a chance or this message he gets to you give me a call (763) 807-0614 may God-bless you and your family


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