Home TD Jakes T.D. Jakes (March 15, 2020) – Bad Can’t Stop You From Better | Bishop Sermons

T.D. Jakes (March 15, 2020) – Bad Can’t Stop You From Better | Bishop Sermons

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” Bad Can’t Stop You From Better”

In times like these, we notice the abandonment of human kindness and decency, as we’ve forgotten who we are. As a result, God will allow pestilence to humble us and cause us to behold the greatness of His power! We are His image bearers, and as Christ became sin to cure us, we must also become a part of the cure to heal those around us. Understand, we have to go through bad to get to better. But, while going through, let us continue to look up, focusing on our Savior and living to become the cure!
#tdjakes2020 #pastortdjakes #bishop2020

T.D. Jakes has emerged as one of the most prolific spiritual leaders of our time. He is pastor of one of the largest churches in the country, CEO of a multimillion dollar empire, the host of a television program, author of a dozen bestsellers, and the producer of two Grammy Award-nominated CDs and three critically acclaimed plays. In 2001 Time magazine featured Jakes on the cover and asked: Is Jakes the next Billy Graham



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