Pastors Joel and Victoria Osteen welcomed Susan Boyle to Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas, for her biggest-ever live performance in the USA during two Sunday services (at 8:30 and 11:00 am CST) today, November 17, 2013. Both services were live-streamed at and rebroadcast on the Daystar Television Network three weeks later.
Boyle performed three songs, including “Miracle Hymn,” an original composition from “The Christmas Candle” film, as well as “O Come, All Ye Faithful,” her duet with Elvis Presley. Both tracks are on her upcoming album “Home for Christmas,” releasing October 29.
Averaging 43,500 in weekly attendance, Lakewood is America’s largest church and the first stop on Boyle’s U.S. promo tour for her fifth album as well as her major motion picture debut in “The Christmas Candle,” the first feature film based on a book by best-selling author, Max Lucado.