Home TD Jakes Strange Tears | Bishop T.D. Jakes 2020

Strange Tears | Bishop T.D. Jakes 2020

by wbg

The feelings that we express are given to us by God, and to repress those emotions is to suppress Him. When we put all of our trials on God’s shoulders, it doesn’t mean that they will be done by our time, but by His. So, don’t mistake God’s timing for lack of investment in you; instead, it is Him knowing what you need and what time you need it. Although He does not arrive at our time, He will always come. God will always take you back to where you thought you lost and help you succeed. Jesus, who has performed miracles beyond our comprehension, was still able to feel sorrow and weep. At birth, our first reaction is to cry out because we are crying out for God. The fact that Jesus wept signifies that not only are we calling out for Him but that God can come down to our level and cry with us.

T.D. Jakes has emerged as one of the most prolific spiritual leaders of our time. He is pastor of one of the largest churches in the country, CEO of a multimillion dollar empire, the host of a television program, author of a dozen bestsellers, and the producer of two Grammy Award-nominated CDs and three critically acclaimed plays. In 2001 Time magazine featured Jakes on the cover and asked: Is Jakes the next Billy Graham



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