I’m asking you to stay out of dry places, don’t let your mind think of all the negative, we live everything wrong in your life, it may be true, but don’t go there. The flesh loves to feel sorry for itself, think about what you didn’t get, how you weren’t raised right, just another day, I got a drag through it. As long as you think that way, you’re going to live defeated. You have to do like David and make the decision, “I’m coming out of the dry place”. It starts by changing your thinking. God’s plans for you are for good, there are opportunities in your future bigger than you can imagine. That sickness is not permanent, that financial difficulty is not how your story ends, that addiction is not going to hinder you your whole life – God has the final say. And while you’re waiting for him to change things, why don’t you thank him that it’s on the way? Why don’t you be grateful for what’s right in your life?
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Sermons 2019 – The Danger of Dry Places || Joel Osteen
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