Preaching: “Rebuke to the Church of Ephesus”
Ephesus Was Commended for the Things They Did Right, Doctrinally. But the Single Rebuke That Jesus Had For Them–That They Had Left Their First Love [for Him]–Was So Serious That Jesus Warned Them: If They Didn’t Repent of That, He Would Remove Their Candlestick Out of His Place. And, Anymore–There Is No Church at Ephesus. So, Let Us Examine Ourselves in Temple Baptist Church–That We Do Not Fail to Actively and Persistently Love the Lord Our God Who Has Ardently Loved Us First.
Contact to Pastor Charles Lawson:
Temple Baptist Church, 2100 Woodrow Dr., Knoxville TN 37928. T:865 689 4741
Email: [email protected]