Are you waiting for your circumstances in life to line up just right before you’ll have peace? Well, you may be waiting your whole life then! Because the truth is, life is full of ups and downs. Every day we have opportunities to get upset, be worried and live offended.
Many people live life worried each day, but most often, these worries never even happen. Instead, all worry does is rob us of our joy, creativity and focus. But Joel wants to show you that there’s a better way to live.
Jesus said in Matthew 6:34, “Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will have enough worries of its own.”
We’re not supposed to go through life weighted down by worry, stress and anxiety. Let Joel show you how to make God bigger than your circumstance in this practical message. As you release your cares to God and enter into His rest, you will live life with greater joy, ease and fulfillment.
This is Message #684 “Peaceful On Purpose” by Joel Osteen. For more inspirational messages, visit