Home Temple Baptist Church - Charles Lawson Making Boys Into Men (Pastor Charles Lawson)

Making Boys Into Men (Pastor Charles Lawson)

by wbg

Pastor Charles Lawson is a popular Baptist minister from Knoxville, Tennessee, United State. He is a true servant of the Lord
Pastor Lawson teaches from the King James Bible, follows the old paths, and rightly divides God’s Word
Pastor Lawson examines the visions and the spiritual natures of the kingdoms listed in the Book of Daniel. Pastor Lawson preaches how we are on the precipice of The Return Of Christ.

Temple Baptist Church, 2100 Woodrow Dr., Knoxville TN 37928. T:865 689 4741
Email: [email protected]

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1 comment

Sherry Gobeli May 29, 2020 - 4:18 am

I praise God for you always in prayer. I share you sermons with my 2 boys all the time. And with many other too. I love that you believe..and preach from the KJB the word of God! Hallelujah! Pray for me..and my boys.. PLZ! I’m 69 in great health still… praise JESUS! I have 2 adopted boys…14… and 15. They were my foster babies from the day they were born. Also answer to my prayers. I never had children of my own. I was married 19 years.. helped my ex raise his boys by a previous marriage… We adopted these two boys…and my husband left us. I was faithful to him the all those years too. He was a merchant Marine the whole time we were married. Gone on a ship anywhere’s from 3 to 6 months at a time. I was a foster mom stayed faithful to Church still am. God has really been good to us. As a child I always believe in God..but I wasn’t saved. My ex lead me to the Lord. I could never figure out why the devil one. What I mean is destroyed our marriage. He was very mean when he came back from the ship. Physical and verbal. He emails me and tells me he’s had plenty of time out there..(out at sea that is) after 19 years.. and that he wanted a divorce. Actually I was ready. We’re still friends..as far a the word friends that is. Because our heavenly father said were to forgive one another. We’ve been divorced since 2010. I’m So thankful I have your preaching and teaching to listen to…and share with my boys. I shared with my boys tonight your video making boys men. My boys are saved and baptized… we are all born again Baptist… but the preaching here is weak. I have asked my pastor to preach on this demonic music…or send me something I could share with my boys about how evil it is… but I’ve gotten nothing. I’m on them all the time about it. I really appreciate what you said in this video about the music… and who’s in control. If you have any other videos about this music.. please share it with me. God bless you… In JESUS name. I also share your videos on Facebook…and the AV 1611 site. Your sister in the Lord… Sherry Gobeli ♥️??‍♀️


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