Home John Hagee John Hagee – When The Storm Comes, What Will You Do? – June 7, 2018

John Hagee – When The Storm Comes, What Will You Do? – June 7, 2018

by wbg

John Hagee – When The Storm Comes, What Will You Do? – June 7, 2018
You are either in a storm right now or headed for one. An unexpected change can strike out of the blue, completely turning your life upside down in one split second. Pastor Hagee says, “God uses no one until He puts you through the storm. The greater your mission, the greater the storm.” And you can be sure of this…NO ONE escapes the storm.

The first crisis you must conquer in the storm is fear, an emotion that can choke you with its iron grasp. When the storm comes, what will you do?

Listen to this Word on how to prepare for the storm, so that when the winds begin to rage in your life…you will have a solid foundation upon which to stand.
Thank for watching.
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God bless us all!
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