Home John Hagee John Hagee Today’Don’t Worry’ Conclusion John Hagee 2015

John Hagee Today’Don’t Worry’ Conclusion John Hagee 2015

by wbg

John Hagee Today’Don’t Worry’ Conclusion John Hagee 2015

Pastor Hagee is committed to change America and the world by being obedient to the Great Commission, to win the lost to Christ, to take America and the world back to the God of our Father. John Hagee’s hard hitting preaching and wit is what makes John Hagee, America’s preacher. Dr. John C. Hagee is the founder and Senior Pastor of Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, Texas, a non-denominational evangelical church with more than 17,000 active members Pastor Hagee’s passion is to reach the lost, fulfilling the Great Commission of proclaiming the gospel of Jesus.
Directed by John Hagee
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