Home John Hagee John Hagee & the Four Blood Moons – Pt 2: Date and Theme of Revelation

John Hagee & the Four Blood Moons – Pt 2: Date and Theme of Revelation

by wbg

THIS IS PART 2 – START WITH PART 1 HERE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sLNwibwbUtg

We are in the midst of a sequence of four total lunar eclipses which is called a tetrad. So we have three more to go. Is this tetrad a big deal? Does it mean anything to Christians? Well Hagee implies that it will usher in the second coming of Christ. But I think he is wrong. I’ll show you from Scripture why.

In part two of this series, Curtis examines how Hagee indeed ties these blood moons to his perception of the second coming of Christ even though most try to deny he does, and he further examines why this is an error.

A bulk of this sermon looks at the date and theme of the book of Revelation. When was it written, what is the proper approach to the book, and what is the book’s overall theme. In examining these keys points, a lot of the confusion over the book is brushed away.

Curtis challenges the last days view of Hagee in this video. If you are new to the teachings he presents on this topic, be sure to see more on the various teaching on the last days by visiting: http://www.bereanbiblechurch.org/studies/eschatology.php

To view the sermon transcript click here: http://www.bereanbiblechurch.org/transcripts/topical/four-blood-moons-02_video.php

5/4/2014 – Pastor David B. Curtis – Berean Bible Church – http://www.bereanbiblechurch.org – Message# 704

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