Home John Hagee John Hagee 2018, Feast of Tabernacles- Oct 28, 2018

John Hagee 2018, Feast of Tabernacles- Oct 28, 2018

by wbg

John Hagee 2018, Feast of Tabernacles- Oct 28, 2018
Good morning, Cornerstone Church! Pastor John Hagee will preach a sermon on “The Feast of Tabernacles” at 8:30 and 11 AM. We invite you to gather with us for worship and stay for #FEAST18!
This uncompromising message, straight from the Word of God, was preached at Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, Texas by Pastor John Hagee. As you listen to the promises and commands found within, we pray that God refreshes your soul and challenges you to walk in faith, serving Him as the one and only Master of your life.
We are excited to see students unashamed to share the gospel & giving encouragement through their testimonies!! We invite any middle & high school students to join us in the Praise Center
John Charles Hagee (born April 12, 1940) is the founder and senior pastor of Cornerstone Church, a megachurch in San Antonio, Texas. Hagee is also the CEO of his non-profit corporation, Global Evangelism Television (GETV). He is the 5th of 6 pastors in his family, all of whom were named John Hagee, dating back to the colonial era.
#HageeMinistries #JHM #Devotional
God Bless You!

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