Founders like Charles T Russell who created Jehovah’s Witnesses, Ellen D White James Springer Joseph Bates and J.N Andrews who created Seven Day Aventist, Ben Ammi Ben – Israel who formed the Hebrew Israellites, Clarence 13X who founded the Five Percent Nation god’s and earth’s, Islam was founded by Muhammed, Black Lives Matter founded by Alicia Garza Patrisse Cullors and O Pal Tometi Deist founded by Matthew Tindal Wicca Founded by Gardener Rastafarianism founded by Leonard P Howell of Haile Selassie and all other founders of man’s religions Atheism evolution and secret societies like Skull n Bones Freemasons Knights Templars and all the rest of the 13 groups of the illuminati that were branced out from the true faith in Jesus Christ. Satan’s is cornered, his lies are running out and will be cast into the lake of fire along with his wicked sons and daughters who’re deceiving the whole world. The only truth is putting your faith in Jesus Christ only John 14:6. Joel Osteen is wrong and will be judge the harshest as well other false teachers
Joel Osteen The False Wolf Says All Man’s Religions Are Going To Heaven