Home Joel Osteen Gloria Allred is a 100% Fake and is Connected with Joel Osteen

Gloria Allred is a 100% Fake and is Connected with Joel Osteen

by wbg

Gloria Allred is the common thread that runs through Scott Peterson (AKA John Green), Amber Fray (AKA Kim Goldman), Fred Goldman (AKA Maurice Isserman), Ariana Huffington (AKA Lisa Bloom [Anita Alhadef’s daiughter-in-law and the wife of the person that plays Joel Osteen] ) and others. The person that plays Gloria Allred is Anita Alhadef. She is the mother of Joel Alhadef who happens to play Joel Osteen. Anita Alhadef’s current husband is Martin Landau. The Landaus are related to Warren Buffett. Martin’s daughter is married to David Axelrod. This video was pulled from the work of Ed Chiarini, Jr. (aka Dallasgoldbug) and can be found at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fw2ToaAufcM and is entitled “What’s all the Huff about, Gloria EXPOSED! MY RESPONSE to Actor-vists”. I recommend that you also watch “Fal$e Prophet & the Australian Greens EXPOSED! & Updates from WellAware1” at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l2w5ZFOnmew

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1 comment

Henry figgins December 5, 2019 - 8:58 pm

Tosh.. Utter tripe from saladgoldburg.. Bloom is much younger than ariana Huffington.. Other than a passing resemblance this joel alhadef looks nothing like joel osteen tho most people with any brains knows his ministry is a sham..


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