Home John Hagee GBTV: Pastor John Hagee's Caesarea Address

GBTV: Pastor John Hagee's Caesarea Address

by wbg

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On August 21, 2011, Glenn Beck will be joined by Pastor John Hagee, Rabbi Shlomo Riskin, esteemed historian David Barton, and other religious leaders in a program at the extraordinary Roman amphitheater in Caesarea, Israel. With the stories of Ruth and Esther at its foundation, the event will inspire its audiences to display loyalty, courage and love as they stand up for Israel and the Jewish people. Also joining Glenn on stage will be Dr. Mike Evans, award-winning journalist and #1 New York Times bestselling author who has sold over 23 million books. Dr. Evans will share a very personal story of faith and coming to understand what the courage to love truly means. Scheduled to perform is Grammy nominated Vernessa Mitchell, who will be joined by Israeli singers and musicians to enhance this powerful event.

This event will be broadcast internationally on GBTV.com.

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