Home John Hagee False Teacher John Hagee Has Attention Of Whole World From Jerusalem Then Blows It

False Teacher John Hagee Has Attention Of Whole World From Jerusalem Then Blows It

by wbg

Then Texas pastor John Hagee was invited to give the closing benediction to the days proceedings. With the eyes and ears of the whole world literally upon him,his every word being recorded by every major news outlet in the world, and in the hearing of a represented portion of the entire government and nation of Israel, Pastor Hagee opened his mouth and…and…(wait for it)…said not a single word of testimony about Jesus of Nazareth. Nothing, nada, zip. This is what Laodicea looks like.

Hagee refused to mention the name of Jesus because he teaces a HERESY known as DUAL COVENANT THEOLOGY. Click the following links to read more about it.

READ MORE: http://www.nowtheendbegins.com/false-teacher-john-hagee-has-the-eyes-of-the-whole-world-in-jerusalem-then-refuses-to-tell-the-jews-about-jesus/

READ MORE: http://www.nowtheendbegins.com/pages/deception/john-hagee-and-dual-covenant-theology.htm

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