Home Paul Washer Church Leaders Who Permit Carnality and False Conversions ~ Paul Washer

Church Leaders Who Permit Carnality and False Conversions ~ Paul Washer

by wbg

[QUOTE/] Most importantly brethren, I urge each of you to examine yourselves and make sure that you are truly in the faith. I don’t say that to offend or frighten anyone into thinking they might not be saved. I say this because it is the most important issue in our life and we must have confidence that our salvation is according to the Bible’s standard and not to the standards set by men. Salvation is a work of the Holy Spirit and if there is no regeneration of the old man into a new man, then what is really going on? In Christ, Sarah [/UNQUOTE]

http://believersjourney.blogspot.com/ ~ Sarah Beveridge

http://vimeo.com/26100841 ~ Paul Washer

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