Home John Hagee Christian Zionists to Fight Anti-Semitism

Christian Zionists to Fight Anti-Semitism

by wbg

According to the Washington Times, and many other sources, attacks on Christians have doubled since 2017. And, it is Anti-Semitism that John Hagee, and his ilk, are most concerned about… Oy Vey!

“In this video, Pastor John Hagee describes the appalling rise of anti-Semitism in our nation today. While in times past it was hidden by white hoods and swastikas, anti-Semitism now hides in plain sight. The loss of objective truth and the acceptance of moral ambiguity in our nation have allowed this plague to infect America, but CUFI shines the light of truth on anti-Semitism wherever it is found. Whether in churches, college campuses, political offices, or elsewhere, CUFI refuses to be overcome by the darkness but will overcome darkness with the light. Sign the pledge to oppose anti-Semitism and shine the light at cufi.org/shine.”

Link to original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SN5qRgBwQ1c&feature=youtu.be

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