Dr. Mike Murdock is in tremendous demand as one of the most dynamic speakers in America today. He preached his first public sermon at the age of 8, held his first evangelistic crusade at the age of 15, and became a full-time evangelist at the age of 19. Since that time he has spoken to more than 15,000 audiences in 39 countries, including Asia, East Africa, the Orient, and Europe as he continues to embrace his calling to pursue, proclaim and publish the wisdom of God to heal the broken of our generation. On this telecast, Mike shares the life-changing teaching about the seven most powerful things you can do to change your life, including your confession—activating your faith through what you say. He teaches, “God doesn’t respond to our thoughts. God responds to our words.” Don’t miss this landmark broadcast!
November 05, 2013 – http://www.bennyhinn.org/