Home Benny Hinn Benny Hinn Got Angry On Stage

Benny Hinn Got Angry On Stage

by wbg

Hi, I’m Ted. I love your comments, both good and bad. I just encourage everyone to avoid putting others down for being stupid or ugly. Those types of put downs don’t add to the discussion in anyway. If you want, you can call me an old man as a put down – some have – because in a lot of cultures being old is an honor. By the way, when children put down Elisha an old bald man, he cursed them in the name of the Lord and bears came out of the woods and mauled the kids to death. So if you call me an old man be really careful and look out for bears, but don’t worry,, I won’t curse you in the name of the Lord. Benny has cursed people who don’t like him. It was a very impressive show of emotions on his part.

I do welcome your experiences, because whether you hate or love Benny, such stories add to the discussion and help explain why people both love and hate him. But when you have stories, try not to embellish the truth to help your case. Those exaggerations or embellishments don’t help people in the discussion either.

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