Preaching: “The Hebrew Roots Movement” – Pastor Charles Lawson sermons
Understanding the Recent Hebrew Roots Movement Which Urges a Return to First Century Judaism. They Forget That the Blessings of Abraham Are Come Through the Promise, and the Law (“Added Later Because of Transgressions”) Did Not Come Until Moses – 500 years later. In the Least, the HRM Takes Total Focus From Jesus Christ (Who is Our Passover, Our All-in-All). In Greater Portions, It Inserts Weak and Beggarly Elements That Debase the Simplicity of the Gospel of the Grace of God, Even As First-Century Judaizers Sought to Do.
Pastor Charles Lawson is a popular Baptist minister from Knoxville, Tennessee, United State. He is a true servant of the Lord
Pastor Lawson teaches from the King James Bible, follows the old paths, and rightly divides God’s Word
Pastor Lawson examines the visions and the spiritual natures of the kingdoms listed in the Book of Daniel. Pastor Lawson preaches how we are on the precipice of The Return Of Christ.
Contact to Pastor Charles Lawson:
Temple Baptist Church, 2100 Woodrow Dr., Knoxville TN 37928. T:865 689 4741
Email: [email protected]