Home John Hagee The False Prophet John Hagee

The False Prophet John Hagee

by wbg

This False Prophet’s name is John Hagee. An evangelical Zionist that is on record stating the Jewish people don’t need Christ to be saved. He denies that Christians are the real CHOSEN people of God, and denies that Jesus came to the earth to be the mashiach(Christ) of the world.
This man preaches heresies and doctrines of Devils by denying these fundamentals of the faith. For that he is to be called out by name and marked as a false prophet.

Now from what I’ve read he justifies his claims in his book “In defense of Isreal” by changing the definition of “messiah(mashiach)” to mean a political deliverer who was supposed to free Israel from Roman oppression, instead of the true meaning which is “anointed” or the title Christ. Christ and Messiah are interchangeable titles. Which leads to John Hagee claiming that Jesus of Nazareth is NOT the Christ of the world, which flys in the face of the WHOLE NEW TESTAMENT of our Lord and Savior.
And WHO IS A LIAR but he that denieth that Jesus IS THE CHRIST?He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.1 John 2:22.

*** This clip was taken from a FULL DOCUMENTARY by Pastor Steven Anderson from Faithful Word Baptist Church in Tempe, AZ. Full Documentary: https://youtu.be/styLx-iWwC8

Grace be unto you and peace from God our Father and of the Lord Jesus Christ. The brethren which be in the great valley of California salute all you brethren around the world. Amen.

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