Sermon “Is He the Son of Mary or the Son of God? | Dr. David Jeremiah” …
Sermon “Matthew 2:13-23 "Christmas Warfare" (Dec. 24, 2023) – *incomplete sermon” BOOKS BY PAUL WASHER Pastor …
Sermon “Why Mary? | Dr. David Jeremiah | Luke 1:26-38” BOOKS BY DAVID JEREMIAH Pastor David …
Sermon “Dr. James White Session 3: The sufficiency of the atonement” BOOKS BY DAVID JEREMIAH Dr. …
Sermon “Dr. James White Session 2: Mary Dogma & Christ as sole mediator” BOOKS BY DAVID …
Sermon “Dr. James White Session 1: The History and Danger of Roman Catholic Doctrine” BOOKS BY …
Sermon “Jesus' Brothers vs. the Perpetual Virginity of Mary | Dr. James White” BOOKS BY DAVID …
Dr. James White
WAS JESUS (AS) CRUCIFIED? DEBATE- Zakir Hussain Vs Dr James White (Dr. James White Sermons)
by wbgDr. James White is the director of Alpha and Omega Ministries, a Christian apologetics organization based …
— Dr. Joel R. Beeke was converted at the age of 14, and has pastored for …