Buy the book here* Never have the headlines been this jarring, the cultural changes this …
david jeremiah sermons
David Jeremiah Exposed. His church, Shadow Mountain, features an all-seeing eye and an inverted crucifix on …
- Rut 1: 1- 5 Cualquier persona que ha visitado alguna cueva o caverna en un …
- Rut 1: 6- 13 ¿Qué es el arrepentimiento? ¿Será una “obra” innecesaria para tener comunión …
On September 28, 2016, at Convocation, North America’s largest weekly gathering of Christian students, Founder of …
It seems that the African American sounds like Dr. Ben Carson. More prophesies being poured out …
A message about our unity as we worship God.
Jerry Robinson is joined by fellow author and world-renowned Pastor David Jeremiah in an illuminating and …
Mateo 6:25-34 La ansiedad es preocupación por el futuro. Pero el futuro no está aquí. Solamente …