Pastor Charles Lawson is a popular Baptist minister from Knoxville, Tennessee, United State. He is a true servant of the Lord
Pastor Lawson teaches from the King James Bible, follows the old paths, and rightly divides God’s Word
Pastor Lawson examines the visions and the spiritual natures of the kingdoms listed in the Book of Daniel. Pastor Lawson preaches how we are on the precipice of The Return Of Christ.
Temple Baptist Church, 2100 Woodrow Dr., Knoxville TN 37928. T:865 689 4741
Email: [email protected]
1 comment
Thank you for sharing Jesus Christ in the world that needs Him desperately! There are so many false teachers, preachers , false prophets, Ect it makes me want to vomit. You preach THE LORD JESUS CHRIST, period. Sir I’ve learned allot from you even through I’ve been His servant many years and watching things go down so fast you are a blessing indeed. I pray for you and your church and I say that in all honesty. God Bless You (take care and be safe) Love in Christ for you and your family.