Home Paul Washer Paul Washer “The Meanest Preacher To Walk The Earth”

Paul Washer “The Meanest Preacher To Walk The Earth”

by wbg

Paul David Washer (born 1961) is an American Protestant Christian evangelist with a Calvinist theology affiliated with the Southern Baptist ConventionWasher reports converting to Christianity while studying to become an oil and gas lawyer at the University of Texas at Austin.[6][7] He moved to Peru where he became a missionary for 10 years.[8] In 1988, while in Peru,[9] Washer founded the HeartCry Missionary Society to support indigenous missionaries witnessing to people of their own culture.[10][11] Washer later returned to the United States, and has resided in Radford, Virginia since 2010,[12][13][14] where he continues as the missions director of HeartCry.[15]

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