John Hagee 2019, The Decision Called Love – Dec 16, 2018
John Hagee 2019, The Decision Called Love – Dec 16, 2018
Today, Pastor John Hagee will continue his new sermon series, “Decisions That Determine Your Destiny” with a sermon entitled, “The Decision Called Love.” You don’t want to miss it. Bring a friend and we’ll see you at church! Please like, share, comment this video and subscribe to our channel for watch more sermons from Pastor John & Matt Hagee. If you have a need, let us pray with you today. Send your prayer request to or call our prayer partners at (210) 491-5100. Our prayer counselors are available to pray with you and over your life when you call or send us your requests. God Bless You.
John Charles Hagee (born April 12, 1940) is the founder and senior pastor of Cornerstone Church, a megachurch in San Antonio, Texas. Hagee is also the CEO of his non-profit corporation, Global Evangelism Television (GETV). He is the 5th of 6 pastors in his family, all of whom were named John Hagee, dating back to the colonial era.
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John Hagee 2019, The Decision Called Love – Dec 16, 2018