Home TD Jakes Bishop T.D. Jakes Presents: Manpower 2009

Bishop T.D. Jakes Presents: Manpower 2009

by wbg

Thomas Dexter Jakes (TD Jakes), (born June 9, 1957) is an African-American pastor, author and filmmaker. He is the bishop of The Potter’s House, a Nondenominational American megachurch. T. D. Jakes’ church services and evangelistic sermons are broadcast on The Potter’s Touch.



We took a “spiritually branded” approach to this 30 minute direct response commercial produced for Bishop T.D. Jakes and The Potters House. The commercial aired on both secular cable stations such as BET and ESPN Classic in addition to Christian networks such as DAYSTAR and TBN.

We featured a number of everyday men as well as professional athletes (Michael Irvin & Eric Strickland) whose lives have been changed by their Lord and savior, Jesus Christ.

It is the heartfelt testimonies and raw honesty that gives power to this direct response commercial. The cast of “everymen” were amazing and we were blessed to be a part of the production.

ManPower was established by Bishop T.D. Jakes to address the needs and struggles of men through biblical principles. The conference and the video series prepares and encourages men to build strong marriages, increase their confidence and take on community responsibilities.

For more information on the Manpower conference and Manpower DVD series, please go to: http://www.tdjakes.org

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