Home Dr. Andrew Woods Genesis 06. To Every Man An Answer. Gen. 1:29-31. Dr. Andy Woods | Anderw Woods Sermons

Genesis 06. To Every Man An Answer. Gen. 1:29-31. Dr. Andy Woods | Anderw Woods Sermons

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Preaching: Genesis 06. To Every Man An Answer. Gen. 1:29-31. Dr. Andy Woods

This series is a verse by verse Bible exposition of the Book of Genesis. By Dr. Andy Woods Sermon Notes, Audio and power …

About Dr. Andrew Woods

Andrew Marshall Woods JD, ThM, PhD became a Christian at the age of 16. He graduated with High Honors earning two Baccalaureate Degrees in Business Administration and Political Science (University of Redlands, CA.), and obtained a Juris Doctorate (Whittier Law School, CA), practiced law, taught Business and Law and related courses (Citrus Community College, CA) and served as Interim Pastor of Rivera First Baptist Church in Pico Rivera, CA (1996-1998).

In 1998, he began taking courses at Chafer and Talbot Theological Seminaries. He earned a Master of Theology degree, with High Honors (2002), and a Doctor of Philosophy in Bible Exposition (2009) at Dallas Theological Seminary. In 2005 and 2009, he received the Donald K. Campbell Award for Excellence in Bible Exposition, at Dallas Theological Seminary.

Formerly a professor of Bible and theology at the College of Biblical Studies, in Houston (2009-2016), Andy now serves as president of Chafer Theological Seminary and senior pastor of Sugar Land Bible Church. He lives with his wife, Anne of 23 years and daughter, Sarah. Andy has contributed to numerous theological journals and Christian books and has spoken on a variety of topics at Christian conferences.

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