Home John Hagee The Miracle In Your Mouth 2016 John Hagee Sermons

The Miracle In Your Mouth 2016 John Hagee Sermons

by wbg

Originally, this channel was a quest to upload the Word of God as delivered by the Pentecostals of Fuquay United Pentecostal Church. My walk with the Lord has moved me to realize that while these preachings are generally the truth of Our Lord, the notion that speaking in tongues is EVIDENCE of the Holy Spirit is erroneous doctrine. Unfortunately, EVERY Christian denomination has its “Kool-Aid” doctrine. The catholics, by far are the main manufacturer of Kool-Aid doctrine, what with purgatory, the once declared doctrine of Limbo, now defunct and dismissed, and worst of all, the notion that prayers will help the dead! So, I have attempted to publish videos that I feel are, for the most part, truth, and you, as a Christian, need to discern, with the help of the Holy Spirit, what is in error.
I believe that Jesus built ONE church, and that all the denominations have been the foolishness of individual efforts. While we don’t kill one another these days over differences in doctrine, as in Martin Luther’s time, there is often pulpit-bashing over other churches’ doctrine, and some fools have even pronounced judgment on other denominations as worthy of hell. Last I checked, only Jesus shall be the judge of each individual’s everlasting life, and to claim others “in darkness” and “will not enter the kingdom”, is that preacher putting himself in Our Lord’s place, which, is blasphemy.
Also included on my channel are a lot of “right wing” political opinions, typical of Fox News, although not exclusively. I believe the time is near, and has already arrived that we, as Christians need to get off our pews, and denounce evil for what it is. The atrocities of the Obama legacy are everywhere on this channel. We, as Christians, need to take a stand…gay marriage is ungodly, unisex bathrooms are an abomination, abortion is inexcusably murder. We, as Christians, need to pray for our leaders, but we must also be vocal when our leaders lead us down the path of destruction, as did the prophets in the Old Testament. Finally, we must move to elect leaders that will best reflect Christian values, even if we don’t like them personally, but reflect the lesser of two evils. I believe Hillary’s agenda is Obama’s in the form of an old white woman. She will lead us in the path of a government that wants a firm grip over it’s citizens, and will assent to, and encourage the establishment of a new world order, one world anti-christ government.
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