Home Joel Osteen Joel Osteen Running Cover For His Wife!

Joel Osteen Running Cover For His Wife!

by wbg

Basically Joel is saying it was he, not his wife, who was upset about the stain on a chair. And it was he, not his wife who refused to take a seat. His wife was acting on his behalf I guess. Joel claims there was no fight at all. So now on a court stand, a man who claims church leadership is speaking against the word of airline officials and an FAA determination. We have no video, but I’ve got a feeling Osteen is lying to front for his wife. I don’t believe the airline attendants are all conspiring in a lie to sue Victoria Osteen. Certainly if it was all a setup, they would have went after Joel Osteen directly.

So Joel is claiming he was the prissy Prima donna, who would not dare sit in a first class seat without a stain being cleaned to his personal level of satisfaction. That shows something way less than humility on the part of the Osteen’s. And now I believe the Osteen’s are lying in court. It appears to me the Osteen’s are acting to defend reputation and money, rather than conceding the truth, that Victoria Osteen lost her cool.

This is quickly becoming a case of, it’s not the crime, it’s the cover-up! The Osteen’s could have conceded that Victoria Osteen lost her cool and accept the response that would come from that. But now it’s dragging out in efforts to cover what likely really happened. Given the official FAA determination, I’m saying Victoria Osteen was wrong and this cover-up by the Osteen’s is straight sinful. This has gone from them acting prissy about a stain, to a woman being assaulted, to what I strongly feel are lies to try and cover up the fight.

Well I told you to stay away from the Osteen’s!

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