Home Benny Hinn Benny Hinn’s Teachings On The Holy Spirit & Breath Of God

Benny Hinn’s Teachings On The Holy Spirit & Breath Of God

by wbg

Benny Hinn’s Teachings On The Holy Spirit & The Breath Of God

“The Secrets of the Holy Spirit”

“The Holy Spirit is your own breath.”

Excerpt From Dr. Pillai’s Talk About Benny Hinn & The Holy Spirit:
…. the most important thing is to understand that it is “The Holy Spirit”, or “The Breath of God” that is giving you the power.

It is not just a relaxation technique or it is not just to wake up your mind. It is a matter of understanding God; understanding God means understanding power because God is power.

So if you want the God, the power, because Benny Hinn also refers to getting the Power. He says in his book, “Do you want the Power of The Holy Spirit”? Then do this to understand what the Holy Spirit is.

So his writings, his oral presentations, are loaded with understanding of the Holy Spirit as the Breath, as “the Wind.

So I thought it would be useful if I just bring another perspective of the Breath and its ability to give you an understanding of Higher Intelligence, of Omniscience, Omnipotence, and Omnipresence.

On a personal note, I have been experiencing Miracles, exactly the way that Benny Hinn has been taking about with the Holy Spirit. So I recommend everyone to go and watch it, but as I said, It is very difficult to grasp the real meaning. You have to read it over and over again. Even then you will really get a fraction of it, because it is so profound.

And if Benny Hinn has been successful, has been powerful, it is because of the Holy Spirit. Understanding Breath is everything.

In another video, I will talk about the Blood of Christ and it also has many parallels within my own tradition. The Blood and also the Ritual that Jesus did before his crucifixion: breaking the bread, and then giving the wine, and how they can really be helpful for you to get rid of your sin, to get rid of your ignorance, and get into a miraculous life.


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Video Replay Url: https://youtu.be/9Vdf-lJWfLc

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