Home John Hagee John Hagee & the Four Blood Moons – Pt 1: Acts 2, the Day of the Lord, and Second Coming

John Hagee & the Four Blood Moons – Pt 1: Acts 2, the Day of the Lord, and Second Coming

by wbg

Beginning on April 15, 2014 to September 28, 2015 NASA says there will be four lunar eclipses. Each of these eclipses lands on a Jewish feast day. Is their any biblical significance to this?

According to John Hagee, they will be blood moons and it is going to mean a lot when it comes to Bible prophecy. Pastor Curtis examines and critiques Hagee’s teachings on the subject and finds it greatly lacking any biblical credibility.

Curtis challenges the last days view of Hagee in this video. If you are new to the teachings he presents on this topic, be sure to see more on the various teaching on the last days by visiting: http://www.bereanbiblechurch.org/studies/eschatology.php

To view the sermon transcript click here: http://www.bereanbiblechurch.org/transcripts/acts/02_14-21_four-blood-moons_video.php

NOTE ON THE GIGGLING!! Hard to believe, but there have been a handful of the comments made regarding the slight laughing the pastor does early in the first few minutes of the video, so let’s clear it up. In a former sermon, the pastor, due to his accent, mispronounced NASA quite a few times. So in this talk he focused to state it properly, and so when doing so, there were some in the audience who kind of chuckled, causing him to likewise chuckle. These laughs have nothing to do with Hagee or anything related (notice each time they occur it is after saying NASA).


1/5/2014 – Pastor David B. Curtis – Berean Bible Church – http://www.bereanbiblechurch.org – Message# 688

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