Home Joel Osteen False Teacher Joel Osteen: Eating Pork Forbidden

False Teacher Joel Osteen: Eating Pork Forbidden

by wbg

Joel Osteen teaches that Christians are supposed to obey Old Testament dietary laws. He says Christians aren’t allowed to eat food like pork, shrimp, or shellfish. Now, these dietary laws were put in place for Israel under the Old Covenant…but we’re no longer under the Old Covenant, and the dietary laws are no longer binding. In Acts 10:10-15, the Bible says God has cleansed such food that was previously considered unclean and forbidden. And in 1 Timothy 4:1-4, the Bible declares that one of the demonic doctrines involve commanding to abstain from certain foods. Verse 4 says “everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with gratitude.”

Don’t fall for this false prophet who preaches a false gospel and advocates legalism!


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