Home Benny Hinn The Law of Sustainment – a special sermon from Steve Munsey

The Law of Sustainment – a special sermon from Steve Munsey

by wbg

Trailblazing pastor, author, director, producer, and church-growth expert Steve Munsey’s books include Unleashing Your God-Given Dreams, Seven Blessings of the Passover, and Seven Blessings of the Atonement. On this telecast, he shares how to experience miracles in the midst of crisis. This timely message is vitally important as we prepare to enter a new year with profound changes and challenges on the horizon both in America and around the world. God is moving believers into a new season of abundance, influence and blessing, and Steve outlines the steps required to be part of this mighty outpouring. During this eye-opening telecast, discover how you can activate an unprecedented harvest of miracles for you and your loved ones! As he proclaims, “This is a special word for people who have been battered and beaten by life!” You don’t want to miss this remarkable broadcast!

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