Temple Baptist Church - Charles Lawson

“Jesus Is All for Us” – Pastor Charles Lawson sermons

Preaching: “Jesus Is All for Us”

Before Any Scripture Was Penned by Moses or the Prophets Spake for God to His People, the Heavens Declared the Glory of God (and the Firmament Was a Witness, Too, of His Handiwork). After Jesus Was Come [Lived, Died, Rose Again], He Was the Satisfaction of the Law and of Sin–for ALL Mankind, Not Just the Saved. And Now, Jesus Is Our Passover, and We Eat and Drink the Lord’s Supper in Remembrance of Him and in Anticipation of His Coming Again. Scripture: Psalm 19:1-5

Contact to Pastor Charles Lawson:
Temple Baptist Church, 2100 Woodrow Dr., Knoxville TN 37928. T:865 689 4741
Email: templebaptist@comcast.net
